We offer manual cleaning service for your car, offering various packages from washing your car with internal ozone disinfection to a full rejuvenation service with body polishing. All operations are carried out by hand, dedicating the necessary time so that the work is to your full satisfaction.
Car cleaning in Menorca
We offer the washing and drying of the bodywork by hand in order to avoid any type of damage to it, and we include in this service the vacuuming of the interior, dedicating the time necessary to complete the work.
We offer as a whole of our services under the name of INTEGRAL CLEANING in which your vehicle goes through each of the processes offered, obtaining a high quality result.
Engine cleaning with degreasing product and completed with the treatment of the vinyl or plastic parts obtaining a spectacular result through the regenerators of these surfaces.
We also offer the renovation of the interiors of your car, dashboard, doors, door frames and all kinds of plastic surfaces. Obtaining a result as a rerun of these parts of the vehicle.
Body polishing once again has the feeling of a new car, this process is developed with various types of products from devastating to wax to obtain the desired shine result. Now as a novelty and at no cost we carry out the internal disinfection treatment with ozone.
Rim cleaning something that stands out at first glance, a good rim cleaning is immediately reflected in a greater attractiveness of the vehicle, recovering that new car appearance for lovers of this accessory is an indispensable job, which requires of a work of patience and professionalism.
We also have upholstery washing , a process also carried out manually and offering brilliant results. This work requires about four hours since, at the end, it also requires a drying time of it under normal cleaning conditions. With extreme dirt, this work has to be repeated several times, lengthening the time of work and delivery of the vehicle.
While the work is being done we give you a replacement car so that you do not interrupt your daily work